Trajanje/ Duration : 15’00” ; Produkcija / Producer : Roma Film Academy, Italija, Italy

Acquamara / Acquamara

Autor / Author : Edoardo Viterbori

Dođe li trenutak kada više ne možeš promijeniti život? Cencio je tridesetgodišnjak i ima sve – djevojku, pošten posao kao ribar i dugove. Izbori su često jednostavni u teškim vremenima, a Cencio se mora odlučiti. Uistinu, ako to želiš, možeš promijeniti život, ali ne i vratiti vrijeme.
When is it you can’t change your life anymore? Cencio is thirty years old. He has everything – a girlfriend, an honest job as a fisherman, debts. A choice is often easy only when times are hard and Cencio is put in front of a choice. Yes, you can change your life if you want to, but you can never go back to how things were.

Tek kad pogledamo film Acquamara shvaćamo koliko smo povezani s prirodom i morem i koliko svaka nebriga i onečiščenje može direktno utjecati i na naše zdravlje.
This film helps you realize how much we are connected to nature and to what extent our failure to appreciate this connection can affect our well-being. ( Marko )

Trajanje/ Duration : 6’47” ; Produkcija / Producer : POU Ogulin / Udruga Blank, Hrvatska / Croatia

Break up, Make up / Raskini, sastavi

Autor / Author : Marino Šegan

Mladi par propituje svoj odnos tijekom kratkog izleta u prirodi.
A young couple question their relationship on their short trip in the countryside.

Statična kamera snažno sugerira ulazak u dublji nepoznati prostor – međusobnu vezu aktera. Kompozicija kadra jasna je i sugestivna.
Static camera takes us into a deeper unexplored space – the relationship of the characters. The well composed and clearly framed shots emphasize the motif. ( Ivana ) 

Trajanje/ Duration : 3’08’ ; Samostalna produkcija /  Independent production, Hrvatska / Croatia

Dans le noir? / In the Dark? / U mraku?

Autor / Author : Eva Magdić Govedarica

Klasična filmska scena. Četvero za stolom. Umjesto filmske glazbe neugodna tišina. Što će se dogoditi kada nestane svjetla? Doslovno.
The classic cinematic setting of four people at a dinner table. Awkward silence as the film’s main soundtrack.  What happens when the lights go out? Literally.

U tami? je film koji jako dobro koristi filmska izražajna sredstva i na duhovit način prikazuje jedan mali ljubavni nesporazum.
The author uses various elements of film language to depict a little romantic misunderstanding in a humorous way.  (Marko )

Trajanje/ Duration : 4’00” ; Produkcija / Producer : Independent / Cheap Thrills Productions, France / Francuska

Hourglass – A Tale of Dark Comedy / Pješčani sat – priča o crnoj komediji

Autor / Author : Mathieu Monclar

Izraz ‘vrijeme leti’ poprima potpuno novo značenje nakon što glavni lik pronađe neobičan pješčani sat. Inspirirana serijom ‘Zona sumraka’ ova crna komedija nadnaravnog obrata obrađuje temu morbidne znatiželje u kontekstu neumitnog protoka vremena.
The expression ‘time flies’ takes a whole new meaning after a man discovers a strange hourglass. Inspired by ‘The Twilight Zone’ series, ‘Hourglass’ is a dark comedy with a supernatural twist which deals with the themes of morbid curiosity against the irreversible passage of time.

Odličan film za ljubitelje fantastike, nadnaravnog i futurizma. Posebno u vrijeme “pandemijskih” napetosti u čijim je okolnostima i autor kreirao ovaj film.
An excellent film for those who appreciate science-fiction, supernatural phenomena and futurism. Especially interesting in these troubling pandemic times in which the film was made and which it reflects. ( Zoka )

Trajanje/ Duration : 2’35” ; Samostalna produkcija /  Independent production , Francuska / France

Rescue / Spašavanje

Autor / Author : Morgane Guérin

Dvoje mladih u pokušaju spašavanja prijatelja.
Two young people try to save their friend.

Napeti triler kakav može proizvesti samo neograničena dječija mašta.
A thrilling story that can only be made up and produced by limitless imagination of the young. ( Zoka )

Trajanje/ Duration : 2’50”; Samostalna produkcija /  Independent production, Hrvatska / Croatia

Telephone / Telefon

Autor / Author: Barbara Pešut

Film prati telefonski razgovor između dvije djevojke. U razgovoru koriste samo jedan glas (a), koji ponavljaju sporazumijevajući se. Čini se da stvari štimaju, sve dok jedna od djevojaka ne pronađe drugačiji način komunikacije i prekine razgovor.
The film focuses on a phone call between two girls. Their conversation consists of only one sound (a), which is repeated as a way of communicating. Everything seems to work well until one of the girls finds a different way to communicate and hangs up.

Ovaj film izvrsno prikazuje zadani narativ. Vizualno i akustično izuzetno dojmljiv, uspijeva postići svoju umjetničku svrhu.
The film manages to achieve its artistic purpose by visualising its narrative seamlessly. Visually and acoustically the film is impressive. (Ivana)

Trajanje/ Duration : 3’45”; Samostalna produkcija /  Independent production, Hrvatska / Croatia

The Run / Trk

Autor / Author : Noa Nikolic

Dječak tijekom trčanja začuje neke čudne glasove koji ga počnu ometati. Odluči ih slijediti….
A boy goes out for a jog when he starts hearing strange voices which distract him. He decides to follow them.

Ovaj kratki film ima sve prave elemente punokrvnog trilera te nas drži u napetosti sve do samog kraja.
This short film includes all the right elements of a full-blooded thriller and manages to keep us on tip of our toes until its very end.  ( Marko )

Trajanje/ Duration : 2’54”; Produkcija / Producer: FKVK Zaprešić, Hrvatska / Croatia

The Twins / Blizanci

Autor / Author : Tadej Ilić

Blizanci Tadej i Ivan se nalaze nakon što su puno godina živjeli daleko jedan od drugoga. Pričaju o djetinjstvu, ali im se priče baš ne poklapaju. Je li to zato što  imaju drugačija sjećanja?
The twins Tadej and Ivan meet after years of living apart.  They talk about their childhood but their stories are not exactly the same. Do they have different memories?

Vrlo duhovito ispričana imaginarna priča o blizancima.
A fictional story of twins told in a very funny way.  ( Ivana )