Trajanje/ Duration: 13’23”min’ / Produkcija / Producer: Associação de Ludotecas do Porto / Anilupa; Portugal
Estendal / Drying rack / Sušilo
Opisujući industrijski proces izrade papira u okrugu Santa Maria da Fiera u Portugalu, ovaj film je zapravo posveta radnicima i njihovim svakodnevnim fizičkim naporima.
This film addresses the industrial processes of paper making in the municipality of Santa Maria da Feira. It is also a tribute to the workers who used to hang the sheets of paper on the drying rack, in a continuous physical effort.
Iznenađujuće dobra briga i za najmanji detalj. Izuzetno složen film, na zanimljiv način, iznimno vješto uvodi nas u atmosferu portugalskih povijesnih naselja.
It is quite astonishing how the authors have paid attention to details. The film is very complex in introducing us skilfully to the spirit of Portuguese historical cities. / Zuzanna
Eleni’s Pehlivani Art; Grčka / Greece; 2’51”mingal
Oι μαγικοί κύκλοι της Yayoi Kusama / Yayoi Kusama’s magical circles / Čarobne kružnice Yayoi Kusame
Japanska umjetnica Yayoi Kusuma na svom dugačkom putovanju balonom putuje različitim zemljama i skuplja raznobojne kružnice. Na jednom takvom proputovanju spasi dvoje djeci prije nego im se brod potopi. Djeca je odvedu u svoj grad, uništen u ratu. Pomoću čarobnih kružnica pomogne im ga obnoviti.
The Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama passes through different countries and collects coloured circles on her long journey with the balloon. During her travels, she saves two children before their boat sinks. They take her to their city, which has been destroyed by war. With her magical circles, she helps them rebuild it!
Neobična tema. Film prikazuje avanture slavne japanske umjetnice na vrlo zanimljiv način s iznenađujuće ozbiljnim završetkom u grafički profinjenom okruženju.
An unusual topic. Graphically sophisticated, the film depicts the adventures of a famous Japanese artist, with an interestingly serious twist. / Zuzanna
Barbara Karmela Cvitan; FKVK Zaprešić, Hrvatska / Croatia; 0’27”min
Pogled kroz prozor / A view trough the window
Tijekom Covid karantene preostaje nam još samo pogled kroz prozor.
A view through the window is all we get during the Covid quarantine.
Savršena animacija o nesavršenoj tromosti ljudskog oka. Predivan film koji je proniknuo u bit postojanja same kinematografije.
A perfect animation about our imperfect sight. A beautiful film that reminds us that the persistence of vision is the very core of cinematography. / Tvrtko
Scuola in ospedale, Brescia; Associazione Avisco; Italija / Italy; 1’53”min
Rime della luce / Rhymes of light / Svjetlosne rime
Kratki animirani film inspiriran istoimenom pjesmom Pierluigi Cappella. Film su napravili mladi pacijenti neuropsihijatrijske dječje bolnice u talijanskom gradu Brescia, u sklopu projekta CIC in TOUCH, koji je započeo u prolijeće 2021.
An animated short inspired by the poem of the same name by Pierluigi Cappello, made by the young patient animators of the Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry Department of the ASST Spedali Civili – Children’s Hospital of Brescia as part of the CIC in TOUCH project, which started in spring 2021.
Divan kratki poetski film, savršen sklad riječi, glasa, glazbe, crteža, boja i neboja.
A beautiful and poetic short exhibiting a perfect harmony of words, voices, music, drawings, colours and non-colours. / Ana
Frooom! Film and Media Literacy School; Hrvatska /Croatia; 3’02”min
Snovi na kvadrat / Dreams Squared
Nakon što je sanjao plave ovce, naš se junak nađe u sred košmara. Postoji izlaz, ali hoće li ga naći? Tko je ovdje špijun, a tko uistinu ljudsko biće?After he had dreamt of blue sheep, our hero finds himself in a nightmare’s nest. There is a way out, but will he be able to find it? Who is the spy here and who is the real human?
Zabavna kolažna stop animacija sa zanimljivim filmskim citatima.
An amusing stop animation with some interesting film quotations. / Tvrtko
OŠ Prežihovega Voranca / Društvo Slon; Slovenija/ Slovenia; 1’14”min
Strahšilo / Scarecrow / Strašilo
Kratki crtić o tome kako su u strahu velike oči.
Animated short story about how fear has a quick ear.
Lijepo realiziran koncept. Jedinstven pristup bojama, animacija oscilira na granici kaosa i reda kombinirajući ove dvije krajnosti.
A nicely visualised concept with a unique approach to colours. The animation moves between chaos and order in interesting combinations. / Zuzanna
Društvo Slon; Slovenija / Slovenia; 3’07”min
The circus / Cirkus
Dvodimenzionalni cirkus u posjetu našem trodimenzionalnom svijetu.
A 2D circus visits our 3D world.
Duhovite nezgode artista u cirkusu i nadahnuto kombiniranje različitih animiranih tehnika u koje je uloženo mnogo truda.
Funny adventures of circus artists visualised in various animation techniques, requiring substantial effort. / Tvrtko
Vida Pekić , Zara Dukić ; Creative Film Studio VANIMA; Hrvatska / Croatia; 1’38”min
U gori raste zelen bor / A Pine Tree in the Mountain
Film upozorava na razoran utjecaj čovjeka na prirodu. Crno bijeli crtež, fine teksture i glazbena potka potpuno su usklađene s temom filma.
The film brings a very important message related to the destructive effects of man on nature. The black and white drawing, fine textures, as well as the musical weft, are in complete harmony with the theme itself.
Izuzetno kreativna grafička rješenja, promišljeni minimalizam, na dinamičan način nadopunjen vrlo dobrim dizajnom zvuka. Dotiče aktualnu, važnu temu.
Very creative graphic solutions, deliberate minimalism complemented by excelent sound design. The film addresses a topic that is both current and important. / Zuzanna