Enrico Barbaro Jr; 8’00”min; Independent / ECAM; Španjolska
A film in the theatre / Film u kinu
Set between the sixties and seventies in Spain, “A Film in the Theatre” (“Un Filme en la Sala”) narrates the difficulties that Eusebio, a young director who dreamt of bringing his life’s work into the big screen, faces in a society that rejects every type of art form under Franco’s regime.
“Dynamic and interesting editing and excellent actors. Well considered costume design brings to life the era of the sixties and seventies in Spain.“
Sevgi Koçak, Tuna Oranus; 10’04”min; TAKEV Okullari Fen ve Anadolu Lisesi; Turska
Deniz sees a woman being followed by a man on the street. He doesn’t care about the incident and continues on his way. Then a book falls in front of him. After the book falls, gender roles in social life are reversed. Deniz confronts the problems she ignored and she realizes that she cannot escape from them.
“What would happen if the roles of men and women would be reversed? How would men feel and how would they deal with being in the place of a woman? This film approaches the topic of gender roles in an excellent way and offers a critique of a patriarchal society. “
Filip Tadijančević; 11’08”min; Blank_filmski inkubator; Hrvatska
A lonely painter, dissatisfied with the works he produces, decides to find a better source of inspiration.
“Excellent framing, carefully considered soundtrack, suggestive scene design and excellent editing create a well-rounded and meaningful movie whose hero tries to find inspiration in the darkest parts of their being.”
Marcos Crisóstomo; 8’52”min; ESCAC (Escuela de Cine y Audiovisuales de Cataluña); Španjolska
Monito / Majmunčić
A five-year-old girl accidentally finds a revolver in her father’s office.
“This short but disturbing movie is very successful in its intent – to hold the attention of its audience from the very beginning by showing a child playing with a revolver.”
Hana Tomić, Martina Pervan, Katarina Ivanković; 4’06”min; FKVK Zaprešić; Hrvatska
Childhood has never been a story that has a beginning or an end, so this film is also a mix of emotions and experiences that are sometimes difficult to dig out. Can we be nostalgic for something that never ended?
“Pastel colours, motifs characteristic of childhood and excellent image and sound editing help us emerge from the world of grownups and remember, with nostalgia, that we were all children once, that in each of us there still hides a child.”
Alexander Relić; 7’43”min; Blank_filmski inkubator; Hrvatska
Od kave mi se spava
Damjan lives home alone. Every day is the same for him. After a breakup with his girlfriend Ema, he experiences depression, and lives through it. We traverse his mental state, and through that we try and understand what happened with him and Ema.
“The audience identifies with the experiences of the protagonist, and this is achieved through excellent acting and voice-overs which lead the viewer though the protagonist’s inner world.”
Afaia Kollyri, Nandia Sampatakou, Nevi Salla; 5’17”min; AN2- Music School of Athens; Grčka
Once upon a star / Bila jednom zvijezda
The film is an adapted dramatization of the poem “Holocaust” by Charles Reznikov. It presents the prevailing situation in the concentration camps from the moment of the arrival of the Jews at the camps until their eventual death.
“A short film with very interesting shots. Through its visual storytelling it successfully conveys the difficulty and hopelessness of the situation in which Jews found themselves from their arrival all the way to their tragic end. Emotionally a very powerful experience.“
Grupa autora; 8’17”min; Camera Zizanio Festival, Art School of Gerakas; Grčka
Dimitri’s party is running like any other, until he receives a call from the pastry shop, informing him that the lives of the guests who ate the macaroons he ordered are in danger. Will he be able to cope with the new situation or this party will be their last?
“An entertaining movie with a funny plot twist. The sound of the dialogue is perfectly balanced with the background murmurings and loud music and the scenes with many extras are well filmed. “
Emre Cef Kamhi; 5’00”min; İstanbul Bilgi Üniversity; Turska
The School Bus / Školski autobus
A young girl who is living in the village and doesn’t go to school, goes to the same place at certain hours to watch the school bus, in addition to her daily chores. The girl, who reduces the bus concept of “school”, dreams of getting on and be in the school one day. At various times, this bus turns into a motivation that distracts her from the reality.
“A shocking movie that shows everyday life of a young person whose dream is to go to school, but the circumstances she is in do not allow that. Even without any spoken lines, the lead actress excellently shows the emotions of the character with her suggestive facial expressions.”
Jakov Benčić; 5’41”min; Akademija dramske umjetnosti; Hrvatska
Tvoj heroj
This move shows an attempt at untangling a love triangle and an attempt at seduction.
“This interesting movie successfully shows the dynamic of a chase. Thanks to a considered combination of filming methods the audience is eager to see the outcome. Soundtrack also adds to the tension on the screen and the entire movie questions a heroic act.“