Frooom! Film School; Hrvatska / Croatia; 9’20”min

I šta još kod tebe ima? / So, What Else is New?

On je društven neki tip, karantena mu je napokon završila i ima toliko stvari za ispričati.
He is a people person, his long quarantine is over and there are a lot of things he just needs to say.

Toliko uvjerljiv profil napornog poznanika koji ne prestaje pričati (a priča besmislice) da je zanimljiv i pitate se što će slijedeće reći.
Such a convincing profile of an annoying acquaintance who can’t stop talking (an he’s talking nonsense) that you become interested and start wondering what he will say next. / Ana

Art High School of Athens; Grčka / Greece; 6’10”min

Mη σ(κυβοις) το κεφάλι / Don’t Lower Your Head / Ne saginji glavu

Film opisuje probleme učenika koji je žrtva bullyinga u školi. Jedan san će mu pomoći da se suoči sa strahovima.
The film describes the difficult times of a student who is bullied by his classmates. A dream helps him to confront his fears.

Drugi medij, stop motion animacija uvedena je glatko i dinamično, nadopunjava cijelu radnju. Autori vješto realiziraju ideju. Zahvaljujući ovome gledamo čvrst i sladak film s logičnim početkom, sredinom i krajem.
A different medium – the stop motion animation which is introduced smoothly and lively, complements the action and gives the film its logical structure. / Tvrtko

Asociación Cultural de Cilleros; Španjolska / Spain; 5’19”min

Señales / Signals / Signali


Signali su nam pred očima, ali ne vidimo ih uvijek.
The signs are in front of us but we don’t always see them.

Dvije paralelne priče i upečatljiva poruka o nasilju koje propuštamo vidjeti, a cijelo vrijeme je tu.
Two parallel stories and an impressive message about the violence that we fail to see, although it is present right in front of our own eyes. / Ana

Ema Sarić; JU OŠ “Banovići”; BiH / Bosnia and Herzegovina; 6’57”min

Školske muke / Troubles with School


Prvi dan škole je ful zabavan. Problemi počinju kad počne učenje. Sestra će pomoći bratu da savlada sve te nove probleme.
The first day of school is great. Problems start after a few days when real work begins. A sister is helping her brother solve all these new problems.

Ogromna filmska svijest mlade redateljice. Tema filma izazov je zbog svoje uobičajenosti, ali predstavljena je na smiješan i sladak način. Film nije dosadan, oduševljava.
The young author has a true filmmaking mind. Being so common, the topic is challenging.  However, she manages to present it in a very cute and funny way, so the film is not a bit boring. On the contrary, it’s exalting. / Zuzanna

Film School Šipan; Hrvatska / Croatia; 7’30”min

The First Kidnapping Ever on the Island of Šipan / Prva otmica ikad na otoku Šipan


Zagonetna priča o prvoj otočkoj otmici ikada. A sve zbog ljubavi.
The mysterious story about the first kidnapping on the island ever … all for love…

Pravi dječji krimić s uvjerljivim glumcima, otkačenim dijalozima, odlično iskorištenom glazbom i pokojim posebnim efektom i sve to u idiličnom okruženju otoka Šipana.
A true children crime story, with convincing actors, crazy dialogues, excellent music and a special effect or two. All set on the idyllic island of Šipan. / Ana

Tena Fider; OŠ braće Radića Pakrac; Hrvatska / Croatia; 3’37”min

Unknown / Nepoznati

Film se bavi stvarnom mogućnošću da nam netko nepoznati, koga smo pozvali u dom putem video poziva, postane prijetnja i opasnost u stvarnosti.
‘Unknown’ deals with a very real possibility where someone unknown, who we have invited to our home online by a video call, may become a real threat and danger standing right inside our room.

Covid Zoom horor koji savršeno ocrtava tjeskobu trenutka.
A Covid Zoom horror perfectly depicting the anxiety of the present moment. / Tvrtko