Taller Telekids; Španjolska / Spain; ; 4’45”min
Buscando refugio / Seeking Refuge / U potrazi za utočištem
Djevojčica izbjeglica nastoji prevladati poteškoće s kojima se susreće prilagođavajući se novoj sredini. Usput traži način kako omogućiti ocu da se priključi ostatku obitelji u novoj zemlji.
A refugee girl tries to overcome her difficulties in adapting and looks for a way her father could join his family in their new country.
Topla, optimistična i dječje naivna priča o problemima izbjeglica i njihovoj integraciji u društvo. Sve dok postoje mladi autori s ovakvim pogledom na svijet, možda ima nade i za ostale.
A warm and optimistic story dealing with the problems that refugees have to face in trying to integrate into a new society. As long as there are young authors with such integrity and morals, there might still be a chance for the rest of us. / Tvrtko
Public School “C.E.I.P. Serrería” of Valencia; Španjolska / Spain; 3’39”min
Camina conmigo / Walk beside Me /Hodaj uz mene
Kada se rodimo, označe nas i razdvoje. Ali, ako zajedno hodamo, bit će nam lakše odabrati vlastiti put.
When we are born, we are labelled and separated. But if we walk together, it will be easier to choose our own path.
Dramatičan prikaz temelja rodne diskriminacije u maniri pravog distopijskog filma.
A dystopic dramatic illustration of the very basis of gender discrimination. / Ana
Kellyville High school; Australija / Australia; 5’57”min
In Between /Između
Majka je psihički bolesnik. Zbog toga se između nje i kćeri stvara jaz. Obje pokušavaju pronaći način kako preživjeti to iskušenje.
A mother suffers mental illness and as a consequence there is a disconnect between her and her daughter. They both struggle to find some way through this ordeal.
Vrlo intimna priča o duševnoj bolesti. Duboki i dobro prikazani portreti glavnih likova. Film je dirljiv i ostavlja gorak dojam na gledatelja.
A very intimate story dealing with the topic of mental disorders. Both protagonists have been portrayed convincingly and vividly. This touching film will leave you sad and contemplating. / Zuzanna
Klemen Kekec , Nezavisni autor / Independent; Slovenija / Slovenia; 10’57”min
Square / Kocka
Dječak kockaste glave odbačen je u svijetu okruglih. Niti ne sluti da je put pripadanja društvu okruglih prepun neugodnih iznenađenja i obrata.
A young, square-headed boy finds himself outcast in a world of roundheads. Little does he know, the path to fitting in is riddled with dark twists and turns.
Uistinu filmska priča, koja na iznenađujući način koristi oblike i u radnji i u vizualnom sadržaju.
A true cinematic story which uses shapes in both the plot and the visualization. / Zuzanna
Nikita Kassel, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture; Ukrajina / Ukraine; 4’21”min
The Ceramist
Vladimir je studirao strojarstvo na Sveučilištu Novosibirsk. Oduvijek mu je išlo rješavanje kompliciranih matematičkih problema. Jednoga dana slučajni neznanac upoznaje ga sa svijetom keramike i umjetnosti lončarstva. Od tog trenutka, rad na disertaciji iz matematike preselio se na klupu za pričuvne igrače.
Vladimir Shapovalov studied at the Faculty of Mechanics at Novosibirsk University. He was always quick at solving complicated mathematical problems. One day, a random stranger brings him into the world of ceramics and the art of pottery. From that moment on, his work on the mathematical dissertation took a back seat.
U ovom predivnom dokumentarcu upoznajemo neobičnog i skromnog čovjeka, sa zanimljivom i bogatom životnom pričom. Film podsjeća na umjetničko djelo, lijepih je boja, a svaki kadar može biti zasebna divna slika.
In this really beautiful documentary we meet a quite unusual and modest guy, with an interesting life story. The film is very arty and colourful. Every shot works as an independent artistic picture. / Zuzanna
Adi Ray; King Edward’s School; Ujedinjeno kraljevstvo / United Kingdom; 11’39”min
The Lonely Man / Usamljeni čovjek
Ovog usamljenog protagonista stalno zovu na telefon da provjere je li s njim sve u redu, no on uporno prekida pozive. No, tek kada telefon prestane zvoniti, on shvati koliko je zapravo usamljen.
This lonely man keeps on receiving these phone calls to check if he’s fine, but he keeps on disconnecting. When the phone calls stop though, he realises that he truly is alone.
Minimalističko seciranje usamljenosti i dokaz da reducirana redateljska rješenja u kombinaciji s izvrsnom glumom mogu stvoriti magiju.
A minimalistic anatomy of loneliness. The film once again proves that discrete directing and excellent acting make magic. / Tvrtko