Selekcija DUFF23

Otvorena / tematska kategorija


Adult Adult 8’20’’ Elina Myshanych London Film School, Kids Movie School Ukraine Open
Crveno i Bijelo Red & White 1’30’’ Leon Bengez School of Arts, Design, graphic and clothing Zabok Croatia Open
Cuando nos dimos cuenta When we finally understood 4’06’’ Group of authors CEIP Serrería (Valencia, Spain) Spain Thematic
Didn’t Zarathustra Also Speak… Didn’t Zarathustra Also Speak… 4’54’’ PO-HAO CHU Taipei National University of the Arts Taiwan Open
Klaunovi iluzije Clowns of illusion 1’39’’ Katja Galunić, Dora Radaš XVI. gimnazija, Zagreb Croatia Open
Koji je tvoj način? Which is your way ? 1’31’’ Jakov Benčić Akademija dramske umjetnosti Croatia Open
Mire Mire 11’27’’ Yang JinYu ShangHai university of political and law China Thematic
Nature Attack Nature Attack 3’25’’ Erik Sémashkin Université Paris 8 Vincennes – Saint-Denis France / Ukraine Open
Red Zone: Men Behind The Gale Red Zone: Men Behind The Gale 13’50’’ Soumya Suranjan Singh School of Communications, XIM University India Thematic
The Adventures of a Snail The Adventures of a Snail 5’27’’ Patrik Šimunović Primary School Stjepan Kefelja, Kutina Croatia Open
The Elementary Methods of Walking The Elementary Methods of Walking 7’56’’ Daniel Tristan Křístek, Vojtěch Veselý Grammar school of Dr. Joseph Pekař Czech Republic Open
The Living Sea The Living Sea 15’00’’ Ema Poposka Renaissance College Hong Kong Hong Kong /  Macedonia Thematic
The Table The Table 6’00’’ Corran Gourlay Independent / Lancaster University United Kingdom Open



Selekcija do 15 godina

¿Quién teme al lobo? Who’s afraid of the wolf? 8’21’’ Group of authors Escuela Taller Cachinus de Cine de Cilleros Spain Fiction
Bolesni vjetar Sick wind 2’48’’ Group of authors NS Dubrava Croatia Animated
Elizabeta II Elizabeta II 12’44’’ Group of authors LJŠFŠ Croatia Fiction
Felici insieme Happy together 5’00’’ Group of authors “Battisti” Primary School – Brescia Italy Animated
I quattro elementi Four elements 6’45’’ Group of authors IC Casalserugo Italy Animated
Idealni jelovnik The ideal menu 8’34’’ Group of authors FD ZAG, OŠ Marije Jurić Zagorke Croatia Docum
Ja sam Jasmin! I am Jasmin! 7’59’’ Mia Dugonjić Elementary school “Antun and Stjepan Radic” Gunja Croatia Docum
Krug života Circle of life 1’39’’ Keti Tropša Škola animiranog filma Čakovec Croatia Animated
Legenda o Velebabi Legend of Velebaba 2’22’’ Group of authors OŠ Metlika / Društvo Slon Slovenia Animated
Mother Mother 11’54’’ Gruop of autors First Primary School Srebrenik BIH Fiction
(Ne) vjerujem I (don’t) believe 7’34’’ Group of authors OŠ dr. Ivana Novaka Macinec Croatia Docum
No sé qué me pasa What’s wrong with me? 3’50’’ Group of authors CEIP Serreria (Valencia, Spain) Spain Fiction
Palapasabra Palapasabra 5’00’’ Marc Jaén Castells, Abril García Arancibia Escola Cooperativa Nou Patufet Spain Fiction
Povratak Šipana The Return of Šipan 9’28’’ Group of authors LJŠFŠ Croatia Fiction
Susret Encounter 6’00’’ Anastasija Petrović Posavci Film Serbia Fiction
Što usta zbore, to ruke stvore What mouth speaks, hands make 2’14’’ Group of authors Vanima Croatia Animated
The  apparent chaos of diversity The  apparent chaos of diversity 5’00’’ Group of authors Ateliers Colectivo Fotograma 24 /

Montemor-o-Novo school

Portugal Docum
The ball is mine The ball is mine 10’23’’ Pablo Soto Independent Greece Fiction
The world in pieces The world in pieces 7’50’’ Group of authors Associação de Ludotecas do Porto/Anilupa Portugal Animated
Voda Water 3’08’’ Group of authors Primary School Gornja Radgona Slovenia Animated
Žabica A Frog 3’57’’ Group of authors LJŠFŠ Croatia Animated
Životna misija Life mission 7’02’’ Group of authors OS Tomasa Goricanca Mala Subotica Croatia Docum

Selekcija do 20 godina

83% 83% 8’46’’ Group of authors Second Gymnasium Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Docum
A film in the theatre A film in the theatre 8’00’’ Enrico Barbaro Jr Independent / ECAM Spain Fiction
A life without Color A life without Color 4’00’’ Pau Bonet

Cristian Ruano

TecnoCampus Spain Animated
Ahna Ahna 10’04’’ Sevgi Koçak, Tuna Oranus TAKEV Okulları Fen ve Anadolu Lisesi Turkey Fiction
Bez veze Off the Grid 9’58’’ Petra Rakušić

Lea Ušković

UD Ugostiteljsko-turističke škole Osijek Croatia Docum
Blind City Blind City 4’38’’ Nitay Kinkulkin, Nikita Kit Kutalchuk, Joel Orr Wild Kids Animation Studio Israel Animated
Coplek Coplek 1’43’’ Luka Štebih Graditeljska škola Čakovec Croatia Animated
Grey Hulk Grey Hulk 1’00’’ Maram Gomaa Independent / Faculty of fine arts Minia University Egypt Animated
Hayallerin Ötesinde Atelier Beyond 7’03’’ Deniz Mıdık GSÜ/Cinestudio Paris Turkey/France Docum
Horror Vacui Horror Vacui 3’49’’ Lara Jakovina FKVK Zaprešić Croatia Animated
Impresionist The Impressionist 11’08’’ Filip Tadijančević Blank_filmski inkubator Croatia Fiction
Jedini način The Only Path 5’06’’ Reina Brabenec Independent / Academy of dramatic arts Croatia Docum
L’Ideale dell’ostrica The Ideal of the oyster 11’36’’ Ludovica Liparoti Independent / Dams Unicatt Italy Docum
Mio’s Oddyssey Mio’s Oddyssey 5’35’’ Özgür Çaka Independent / Anadolu University Turkey Animated
Monito Monito 8’52’’ Marcos Crisóstomo Independent / ESCAC Spain Fiction
Nostalgija Nostalgia 4’06’’ Katarina Ivanković, Martina Pervan, Hana Tomić FKVK Zaprešić Croatia Fiction
Od kave mi se spava Od kave mi se spava 7’43’’ Alexander Relić Blank_filmski inkubator Croatia Fiction
Once upon a star Once upon a star 5’17’’ Afaia Kollyri, Nandia Sampatakou, Nevi Salla // AN2- MUSIC SCHOOL OF ATHENS Greece Fiction
Patisserie Patisserie 8’17’’ Group of authors Art School of Gerakas Greece Fiction
The Jupiter Boy The Jupiter Boy 3’11’’ Inês Margarida Pinto Independent / University of Aveiro Portugal Animated
The School Bus The School Bus 5’00’’ Emre Cef KAMHİ Idependent / İstanbul Bilgi Üniversity Turkey Fiction
Το Κάλεσμα Των Φάρων The Call Of The Lighthouses 10’00’’ Konstantinos Potamianos Independent / Anamorphic Films Greece Docum
Tvoj heroj Your Hero 5’41’’ Jakov Benčić Akademija dramske umjetnosti Croatia Fiction
What Is It About Windows? What Is It About Windows? 3’12’’ Ante Rukavina Humanistička gimnazija Croatia Docum