Režija / Directed : Nicolas Brune, Sasha Foinix – Ynov (Toulouse), France


Činjenica da se inspiracija za film može naći u stvarnom životu odlično je poslužila očajnom scenaristu. Utjecaj Burtona (animacija) i Fincera (triler) je očit.
Napet, razigran, rasplesano strašan i odlično montiran film o odnosu umjetnosti i života.
The fact that the inspiration for this movie can be found in real life has served a desperate screenplay writer well. One can clearly see the influence of Burton (animation) and Fincher (thriller).
This is a tense, playful, dance-like in its horror and excellently edited movie on the relationship between art and life.

Režija / Directed : Maria Marques Ribeiro – Ballyfermot School of Higher Education, Portugal / Ireland


Carpe Diem još je jedna interpretacija čestog motiva “beskrajnog dana”, ali to ga ne čini ništa manje originalnim. Promišljena montaža, ritam, priča bez dijaloga i ekspresija junakinje odlično su usklađeni, a teza koju film postavlja vrlo je jasna: svaka naša pa i najmanja odluka utječe na svijet oko nas.
Carpe Diem is another interpretation of the common motive of a “never-ending day,” but this does not make it any less original. A well thought through editing, rhythm, story without dialogue and expression of the hero are masterfully synchronised. The thesis that the movie presents is very clear: every decision we make, even the smallest one, influences the world around us.

Režija / Directed : Grupni rad / Group of authors – Ambroz Haračić high school, Mali Lošinj, Croatia


Zabavan, dinamičan i duhovit film o kontrastu u potrebi da ubrzamo ritam kako bismo mogli što više uživati u njegovu usporavanju.
An entertaining, dynamic and funny movie about the contrast between the need to speed up a rhythm of in order to enjoy its slowing down.

Režija / Directed : Luka Stjepanović – Independent, Croatia


Film na odličan način dočarava atmosferu jedne beskrajne noći na poslu. Dok gledamo, od samog početka stalno iščekujemo da se nešto dogodi, nešto što će promijeniti monotoniju i iznenaditi nas i to je ono što nam drži pažnju kroz cijeli film. Zvučna kulisa, radijski programi koji se mijenjaju, kao i razgovori sa zadnjeg sjedišta, jedini su znakovi života koji se odvija negdje drugdje dok noć iscrpljujuće klizi prema jutru.
The movie excellently depicts the atmosphere of one endless night at work. While we watch, from the start of the movie we are expecting something to happen, something that would change the monotony and surprise us, and that is the only thing that keeps our attention throughout the movie. The background sounds, radio programmes that change, as well as the back-seat conversations, are the only signs of life going on somewhere else while the night slides exhaustingly towards morning.

Režija / Directed : Marco Araujo – Independent, Spain


Doajenka španjolskog filma i kazališta María Galiana je maestralna, a mladi autor stoji joj ravno uz bok. Izvrstan scenarij, režija i gluma u filmu koji ćemo dugo pamtiti i koji otvara ozbiljna pitanja o odnosu društva prema starijim osobama.
Jednostavna i topla ljudska priča o samoći i otuđenosti velikoga grada. Film nas potiče na razmišljanje o tome kako je ponekad dovoljno samo malo našeg užurbanog vremena da nekome uljepšamo dan, a kako često ni za taj kratki poklon drugome nemamo vremena.
Doyen of Spanish film and theatre, María Galiana is superb, and the young author is good enough to stand side by side with her. Excellent script, directing and acting in a movie we will remember for a long time. A movie that presents us with serious questions on the relationship the society has with its elderly.
A simple and warm human story about loneliness and alienation of a big city. The movie encourages us to think about how sometimes a little bit of our hectic time is enough to make someone’s day better, and how very often we don’t have enough time even for that little gift to our fellow man.

Režija / Directed : Ivan Melguizo – Independent, Spain


Film otvara temu o kojoj je potrebno stalno govoriti, progovara o raskoraku između života na društvenim mrežama i onoga što se događa u realnosti i kako se u tom raskoraku, iako smo ga možda i svjesni, lako izgubiti i pogubiti.
The movie opens up a theme that should always be discussed, the discrepancy between the life we present on social networks and what happens in reality and how, even if we are aware of this discrepancy, we can get lost in it.

Režija / Directed : Petar Bubalo – School for graphics, design and media production Zagreb / Blank film incubator, Croatia


Odličan film o ciklusima koji se ponavljaju i u koje lako upadnemo i u njima se zavrtimo, taman kad pomislimo da se nešto možda promijenilo. Crno-bijela tehnika dodatno pojačava dojam nečeg starog, prošlosti koja je tu i koju, da bismo je obojali bojama novog, moramo prvo razumjeti i nekoliko puta ponoviti.
A wonderful movie on repeating cycles that drag us in easily and spin back us around just when we think that something might have changed. Black and white technique enhances the impression of something old, of a past that is here and which we could colour, but in order to do that we first need to understand it and repeat it a couple of times.

Režija / Directed : Grupni rad / Group of authors – Student dorm for boys, Dubrovnik, Croatia


Odlična gluma glavnog glumca/junaka drži nam pažnju i uvlači nas u priču o tome kako svakodnevno trebamo paziti da ne povrijedimo jedni druge.
Excellent acting from the lead actor/hero keeps our attention and drags us into the story about how we need to make sure every day that we don’t hurt each other.