Režija / Directed : Miriam Bello, Miriam Canicoba – IES de Cacheiras, Spain
Sjajan film čija protagonostica svjedoči o jako važnoj temi nasilja u partnerskim vezama o kojoj treba govoriti stalno i glasno, naročito mladim ljudima. Njezina hrabrost i snaga zasigurno su poticaj svima da se mogu izvući iz snažnog vrtloga u koji nasilnici gurnu svoje žrtve.
An excellent movie whose protagonist testifies on an important topic of partner violence, a topic which needs to be talked about often and loudly, especially to young people. Her bravery and strength will undoubtedly be an incentive to all that they can get out of the strong vortex into which abusers push their victims.
Režija / Directed : Aleksa Bujisic – Independent, Montenegro
Izvrstan film koji govori o hrabrosti mladog čovjeka da živi autentičan i samim time sretan život. Njegova će hrabrost i autentičnost pomoći mnogim mladim ljudima da slijede ono što istinski jesu, ne samo po pitanju rodnog, već bilo kojeg identiteta koji propituju.
An excellent movie that talks about the bravery of a young man who tries to live an authentic life and by extension a happy one. His bravery and authenticity will help many young people to follow who they truly are, not just when it comes to their gender identity, but all identities that they are examining within themselves.
Režija / Directed : Grupni rad / Group of authors – Osijek Tourism and catering high school student dorm, Croatia
Zabavan, duhovit, dinamičan film koji dočarava život u netipičnoj zajednici- učeničkom domu. Film nas potiče da međusobno dijelimo viruse dobrote, empatije i solidarnosti.
Film vješto pleše po granici dokumentarnog i igranog, a nosi ga izvrsna protagonistica. Budući da se na zabavan način bavi društvenom temom može odlično poslužiti za nastavu raznih predmeta – sociologije, psihologije, etike.
An entertaining, funny and dynamic movie that depicts a life in an atypical community – a student dorm. The movie encourages us to share with one another viruses of goodness, empathy and solidarity.
The movie skilfully dances along the border between a documentary movie and a motion picture, and is carried by an excellent protagonist. Since it covers an important societal topic in a fun way it could serve as a great lesson in several school subjects like sociology, psychology, ethics…
Režija / Directed : İlayda İşeri – Independent, Turkey
Odličan film koji na nepretenciozan način govori o utjecaju društvenih previranja na živote malih ljudi.
An excellent movie that unpretentiously talks about the influence of social unrest on the lives of the little people.