Režija / Directed : Pablo Soto – Independent / Camera Zizanio, Greece
Film koji nam govori kako se “twist” može dogoditi u svakom, naoko običnom danu i svakom “običnom” životu. Film nas na jednostavan način poziva da otvorimo oči i potražimo ljepotu u svemu što nas okružuje.
A film that tells us that a “twist” can happen in every, even seemingly ordinary day and in every “normal” life. The move invites us in a simple way to open our eyes and look for beauty in everything that surrounds us.
Režija / Directed : Anna Salceda – Nou Patufet School (Barcelona), Spain
Problem bullying u školama na koji se mora stalno ukazivati. Snimljen u obliku kratkog dokumentarca iako je ustvari fikcija odlično prikazuje detalje zlostavljanja.
Bullying is a problem present in schools that should always be pointed out. Filmed in the form of a short documentary although it is fiction, this movie shows us details of bullying in an excellent way.
Režija / Directed : Grupni rad / Group of authors – Junior High School Nea Selefkia / Scool Films, Greece
Odličan film koji na izvrstan način progovara o temi međuvršnjačkog nasilja i prikazuje ga upravo onakvim kakvo ono jest za onoga tko ga proživljava – užasno, nasilno, jezovito i neidrživo sve do trenutka u kojem se ne pojavi netko tko proživljava isto, tko razumije patnju i probudi nadu.
An excellent movie that talks about the topic of generational violence and show it precisely the way it is for someone experiencing it – horrible, violent, scary, and unbearable up until the moment when someone appears who is going through the same thing, someone who understands the suffering but also wakes up hope.
Režija / Directed : Grupni rad / Group of authors – 3 Highschool of Igoumenitsa / Scool Films, Greece
Izvrstan film o čudovištu zvanom strah koji, hraneći se našom nesigurnošću, postaje sve veći. Film ima snažnu poruku i poziv na suočavanje sa strahovima, a ujedno poziva na solidarnost i potrebu da drugoga razumijemo i da mu, umjesto da ga osuđujemo, pomognemo u savladavanju čudovišta iz njegove stvarnosti.
A brilliant movie about a monster called fear, who by feeding on our insecurity, becomes bigger and bigger. The movie has a powerful message and an invitation to face our fears, but it also calls for solidarity and a need to understand one another, and that instead of judging, we help each other overcome the monsters from our realities.
Režija / Directed : Grupni rad / Group of authors – School of film Šipan, Croatia
Vrlo zabavan film. Dobra gluma, efekti i fotografija. Zabavan dječji film koji atmosferom, dinamikom i “pomaknutošću” upravo dočarava sve ono što u dječjoj igri u jednom vrućem ljetnom danu može postati zbilja.
A fun movie. Good acting, effects and photography. A fun children’s movie that through atmosphere, dynamics and “wackiness” depicts everything that can become reality during children’s playtime one hot summer day.
Režija / Directed : Grupni rad / Group of authors – School of film Šipan, Croatia
Film s jakom porukom za mlade. Upotreba drona daje dodatnu kvalitetu fotografiji filma.
A movie with a strong message for the young. The use of a drone adds an additional quality to the photography of the movie.
Režija / Directed : Nikos Didimiotis, Alkyone Heliou – Independent / Camera Zizanio, Greece
Topla filmska priča o prijateljstvu, empatiji i slobodi. Izvrsna kombinacija animiranog i igranog potiče nas na razmišljanje o susretu mašte i realnosti u dječjem svijetu.
A warm film story about friendship, empathy, and freedom. A wonderful combination of animated and motion picture encourages us to think about the meeting of imagination and reality in a child’s world.